SOMOS EDUCACIÓN INFORMAL DE ACUERDO CON LA LEY 115 DE 1994. Ley general de educación.

Bienvenidos a FACTVM

Docentes expertos en enseñanza y en inglés.


Ingresa a nuestra aula virtual, completa las actividades que diseñamos especialmente para ti. Complementa y pon a prueba tus nuevos conocimientos. En este apartado requerirás de tu usuario y contraseña.


Para acceder a tus clases en línea selecciona la sala a la que has sido citado por tu tutor.
Recuerda que la clase estará disponible en el horario agendado.

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Inscríbete en FACTVM y obtén acceso total a nuestra plataforma de aprendizaje. Observa nuestras video clases, desarrolla las evaluaciones online, práctica Listening, Reading, Speaking y Writing. Aprende vocabulario mientras juegas online y únete a nuestra creciente comunidad de formación, aprenderás expresiones cotidianas y palabras con múltiples significados, así como su correcto uso en el idioma inglés.


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  • I am a Lawyer...
    Posted by : Diana, July 25th 2018

    My name is Diana, I’m twenty six years old, I am a Lawyer and my practice area is in labor law and social security. I work for a law firm counseling clients of all industry sectors. My job demands me to speak in English because frequently it is necessary to communicate and prepare legal concepts about the Colombian law in English for international clients. In my job a lawyer who speaks English is considerably better paid and is better ranked. I started my process with Factvm approximately six months ago. I remember that in the first class, I told my teacher Cesar that I didn’t know anything about English because I never studied it with dedication while I was in high school nor at the university, I also said that he should teach me the numbers and vowels to start. Today, nine months later, I write in English with fluency and we are working in reading and speaking. I feel that my experience has been very rewarding. I’m improving a lot my language skills besides writing I’m reading in English in order to enrich vocabulary and I speak more fluently.

  • gallery 2
  • I just started studying English...
    Posted by : Alexandra, January 18th 2022

    Last year I started to study English at Factvm, even though I had basic knowledge about English it wasn't very clear in my mind. At Factvm grammar is very easy to understand, Factvm's teaching method and activities are dynamic. In each unit I learn reading, speaking and listening strategies, this has helped me to increase vocabulary and stimulate my senses. Additionally, the classes are personalized, I have a teacher just for me. I also have group classes for reading and speaking. I like Factvm because my English is improving a lot.


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The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.

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